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Follow these simple directions to find us
From Stockport Follow the A6 to Sainsbury's Hazel Grove and turn right at the traffic lights onto Bramhall Moor Lane, towards Stepping Hill Maternity ward. Turn left opposite the Maternity entrance onto Grenville Road past 'Freeda's newsagents', then first right onto Norman Ave where you will find us at the end of the road in a small trading estate
From Buxton follow the A6 to Sainsbury’s Hazel Grove and turn left at the traffic lights into Bramhall Moor Lane towards Stepping Hill Maternity ward. Turn left opposite maternity entrance onto Grenville Road, past 'Freeda’s newsagents', then first right onto Norman Ave, where you will find us at the end of the road in a small trading estate
From Bramhall follow Bramhall Moor Lane towards Stepping Hill Maternity ward. Turn right opposite maternity entrance onto Granville Road, past 'Freeda’s newsagents', then first right onto Norman Ave, where you will find us at the end of the road in a small trading estate